Source your products directly from verified origins.

We empower local producers and foster a fair commodity trade, while you profit from
end-to-end traceability, quality assurance and carbon accounting.

Why symbitrade?

Commodity trade currently faces challenges in transparency, traceability, and quality assurance. Many origins lack direct market access, leaving buyers with insufficient information about quality and vulnerable to food fraud.

Symbitrade lets you discover reliable origins, the possibilty to source directly, and regain control over your supply chain.

It's not just about sourcing from origins. Become part of the origin story.

How does it work?

symbitrade is a web platform that connects origins worldwide with sourcers, offering an innovative origin verification and traceability system to guarantee top-quality assurance.

Drawing inspiration from the symbiotic relationship between trees and mycorrhizal fungi in thriving forests, we believe that closer networking and mutual support can drive success in the global food trade. Let's grow together.

Who we are

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